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Bridge to the Burgh

Nov 23, 2020

Our guest, Lisa Asher, CFA, is Managing Director of XY Investment Solutions. Lisa is a world traveling, deep sea diving, Wharton School graduate. Host Bradley Jones, CFA asks Lisa’s thoughts on diversity and inclusion along with her unique position as a woman in finance. As a past CFA Society Pittsburgh board member, Lisa shares fond memories of her time in Pittsburgh, and why she considers it such a special part of her personal life and professional journey.

You can find Lisa on Linked in: Lisa Brigoni Asher.

Host Bradley Jones, CFA is a Senior Investment Analyst for the Pittsburgh Foundation. He currently serves as the membership chair for CFA Society Pittsburgh, and is a lover of dogs and sports! You can read his full bio here:   Bridge to the Burgh is presented by CFA Society Pittsburgh. You can learn more about the society and the CFA charter at Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn by searching CFA Society Pittsburgh